Buying Zoeller M521 Multi-Purpose Condensate Pump

Zoeller M521 Multi-Purpose Condensate PumpBuy Zoeller M521 Multi-Purpose Condensate Pump

Zoeller M521 Multi-Purpose Condensate Pump Product Description:

Product Description

* Automatically removes condensation from air conditioning and 90+ condensing furnaces as well as dehumidifiers, ice makers, water coolers and refrigeration systems* Unique bearingless motor means greater reliability and longer life*Compact design * 3/8" ID discharge with check valve* Handles condensate up to 140° F* 20 ft TDH* 2 quart ABS plastic reservoirWill automatically shut pump down in event of failureCan be wired directly to appliance and/or alarmUL listed in US and Canada* 12 month limited warranty

Customer Reviews

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
5Zoeller condensate pump
By 58K
When the condensate pump that I got from the orange box store finally stopped being reliable (something about the puddle of water under the pump was my first clue), I was about to go back to the box store and buy another one. It's attached to the dehumidifier I have in the basement and saves major amounts of time and labor emptying the bucket. In fairness to it, it worked fine for 4 years with very little maintenance from me beyond flushing it once or twice with a bleach solution. However, it was always noisy from air in the line, even after I put a relief hole in the pickup. The hole helped some, but it still rattled until the air bled out.I have Zoeller pumps on both my sump pump inside and on my French drain outside. I use the term "pumps" only to denote there are two of them. They've never failed in the 7 years I've been in this house and I didn't choose or install them, the plumbers did. It didn't occur to me that Zoeller might make a condensate pump until I was checking prices and this popped up on Amazon. Even with shipping, it was about $15.00 less than similar type pumps from other manufacturers in either box store.Installation was basically a straight replacement, which involves disconnecting the poly line and unplugging the old one, then connecting the poly line and plugging in the new one. It has LED's the other ones don't have, which you need if you want to know if it's running. It really is that quiet. This pump is designed with the impellor assembly on the bottom of the tank, and it doesn't scavenge dry; the impellor is always covered with water. So, with no air being picked up, no relief hole is required. It also has a removable holder where you put algaecide tablets, which I'm using now instead of bleach.Great company, really great price, really well-designed quality product, typical Amazon speedy delivery. I'm 100% satisfied.

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Buy Zoeller M521 Multi-Purpose Condensate Pump